to become the accreditation and certification organization of choice for the training industry!
to enable trainers and leaners to benefit from international standards regardless of their geographical location!

Who we are?
Accreditation & Certification Simplified!
There are various accrediting bodies that assess and endorse institutions such as universities, colleges, schools, and vocational training providers. Additionally, there are specialized accreditation programs designed for individual professionals, allowing them to attain accreditation in specific disciplines.
Concerning certification, professional courses, distinct from traditional academic settings, often require certification. These courses involve rigorous examination-based assessments, culminating in the issuance of a "pass" certificate to successful learners.
Yet, there remains a gap in the accreditation landscape – a single entity that accredits a broad spectrum of trainers, training providers, scrutinizing their training materials, processes, and the competency of their trainers, while simultaneously offering learners tangible evidence of their participation in an approved course from a reputable organization. This is precisely where the TRACCERT Training Accreditation and Certification Organization, affectionately known as "TRACCERT," emerges.
TRACCERT is an organization founded and operated by internationally qualified trainers, boasting extensive experience and expertise in the training industry, curriculum development, and the formulation of industry standards.
With its headquarters located in Halifax, Canada, TRACCERT extends its reach to various regions through representative offices and associates, offering its invaluable accreditation services to cater to the unique needs of both training providers and learners.